October 31, 2008

New anime

Hi everyone, since the fall season has just started, and many anime series had ended, I was wondering if anyone wants me to put up any of the new anime.

Right now, what I have with me are these:
  1. Gundam 00 Season 2
  2. Hakushaku to Yousei (Earl and Fairy)
  3. Nodame Cantabile Paris Hen
  4. Telepathy Shoujo Ran (Okay, not a new anime, but still ongoing at least :p)
  5. Vampire Knight Guilty
Anime that I will have with me sooner or later. (Not gonna get them yet as I'm running outta disk space) :
  1. ef - a tale of melodies
  2. ga-rei zero-
  3. Jigoku Shoujo Mitsuganae
  4. Skip Beat!
Just comment on this post on which anime you would like to see up for downloads on this blog, and I'll try my very best to update them as soon as possible! :)