The Saimoe Tournament 2008 just ended today. For those who have not been following the tournament, the fight for the title of champion was between the Hiiragi twins, Kagami and Tsukasa.
I know there are some of you out there who have never even heard of Saimoe, so here's a brief explanation of what Saimoe is:
The Anime Saimoe Tournament (アニメ最萌トーナメント anime saimoe tōnamento, Saimoe for short) is an online popularity contest that has been held annually on the Japanese Internet discussion board 2channel since 2002, by which fans vote for the most moe anime character of the year.Source: Wikipedia
If you want more information about Saimoe (like how to vote, nominate characters, or past winners), you can visit this thread on the Anime-Suki forum (Thanks to CI for linking me to this thread).
Back to the results.
Well, Kagami fans rejoice, for she takes the title by 61 votes!
Hiiragi Kagami - 1037 votes
Hiiragi Tsukasa - 976 votes
Source: Ando via Panther
I think I will try blogging on Saimoe next year, but we'll see how things go.