July 21, 2009

Kannagi Now Available to RACS Customers

We now have Kannagi available to RACS customers. We have purchased a large qnty at retail and will be passing them through to you at cost.

Our official company position on the matter is as follows:

"Regretfully Bandai Entertainment has decided not to make the first issue of Kannagi available for general release. They have instead chosen to make this an exclusive sales item at one US retailer and therefore deny Anime fans a choice of where they can purchase this title. We dispute this policy, and have brought in a number of copies of Kannagi at retail, and are passing them through to you at our cost in order that customers who wish to purchase their Anime from RACS are not denied the opportunity to view this excellent title until next year when Bandai will allow all retailers to carry the general release version at a higher price."

And so it goes...

UPDATE: Vol #1 is now in stock.

UPDATE: I have temporarily removed (but not deleted) my original post about Bandai's handling of the Kannagi release in favor of the official statement above. We are currently in a dialog with Bandai regarding this and other issues and have a few things to iron out before we decide how we're going to proceed. I hope they will show us a favorable outcome, but it's up to Bandai as to if that post will come back, and in what form it will take.