August 10, 2009

First Code Geass R2 Bundle is Seven Episodes - Not Nine

Just a quick post to confirm what everyone has been asking all day via e-mail. The first Code Geass R2 bundle is indeed 7 episodes and 175 Minutes, not 9 episodes and 225 minutes as it was originally solicited. They totally slipped this past us under the radar, so I apologize that we did not have the correct stats and episode counts listed on the site until last night.

In response to this discrepancy, Bandai says that the DVD info included in the original solicitation mailer sent out to retailers was incorrect. R2 is going to be released as four parts (probably 7 ,6 ,6, and 6 eps) , not three (9, 8, and 8 eps) as was originally planned. The first DVD bundle contains seven episodes, and the subsequent parts will have six episodes each. Bandai does, however, "apologize for the initial information regarding Part 1 being incorrect in the mailer”, and did make it clear that their solicitation mailers state 'all specifications are subject to change without notice'.

And so they did. They do love surprises over there. :-)

Update: I'd also like to note that the most recent mailer (that Bandai sent us last week) for their October releases indicates that the 2nd Code Geass R2DVD bundle will be 225 minutes (9 eps), however, this is incorrect, it will actually be 6 episodes and 150 minutes.