Hey everyone! We should have done this years ago, but better late than never! We are the Propeller Anime Club. We have been around for almost three years and have done whatever we can to make the anime community in Orlando, Florida interesting. We hold meetings almost twice a month at Full Sail University, which inlcudes anime showings, discussions, and event planning for the club. We've also gone out to play in our excurisons to the movie theater, bowling alley, poolside barbecue, or the local anime conventions. We are a fun, social bunch that loves anime and we have found for that to be a successful formula for our club!
We also work with other anime clubs, such as Anime Sushi and Anime Gaijin America; the former runs anime events and Cyberia dance at Megacon and the latter runs both Anime Festival Orlando and Anime Explosion. We will definitely talk about these clubs and events from time to time. What kind of work do we do with them? Well at Megacon, we help out as volunteers for setup, tear down, and security; in addition, we also hold panels and events that are fun for fans to attend. At Anime Festival Orlando, we have done fan panels and helped out with the second and third Swords of Orlandia live action games. We are a very talented bunch and look forward to helping out at next year's conventions.
In short, the Propeller Anime Club is about enjoying anime and going out to have fun with friends. I think that more or less covers what we do as an anime club. We will have many more updates in the future, so check back soon!