August 27, 2009

Miyazaki Madness 2009 Sale!

OK, time for a little shameless promotion. READY!?

Buena Vista, which is one of Disney's home video labels, has actually run a retailer promotion for the first time in living memory. In celebration of the theatrical release of the new Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea film, BV is offering us a special deal on nine Classic Miyazaki DVD's for a short time and we're passing that savings on you!

From now until midnight (EST) on Monday September 7th, you can purchase any combination of the following 9 classic Miyazaki titles for only $16.95 per disk:

The Cat Returns DVD
Howl's Moving Castle DVD
My Neighbors The Yamadas DVD
Nausicaa Valley of the Wind DVD
Pom Poko (Raccoon Wars) DVD
Porco Rosso DVD
Princess Mononoke DVD
Spirited Away DVD
Whisper Of The Heart DVD

Once you have filled your cart with Miyazaki goodness, just apply the following coupon code during checkout to take the additional savings:

That adds up to a savings of just over 43% off the MSRP (of $29.98) for each of these great movies. Just add them to your cart at our regular price and then apply the discount coupon to knock the total price down to only $16.95 per DVD!

Note: Coupon code will deduct 39.4% off our regular discount price for each of the above DVD's, making the total effective price $16.95 per disk (or 43% off MSRP). Items can be purchased in any quantity and in any combination, and can also be included with any other combination of non-sale items on a single order. Sale ends at midnight EST on Sept 7th or until our sale stock is sold out, which ever comes first.