September 20, 2009

Next meeting: Sunday, September 27th at 2:00 p.m.

The next Propeller Anime Club meeting will be on Sunday, September 27th at 2:00 p.m. in FS3B-113. In our latest obsession to show a classic anime movie at each regular meeting, we will be showing the original Vampire Hunter D film from 1985. Many of you might be more familiar with Bloodlust, but this movie is more or less D's origin story. It is also one of the first ever anime films to be released outside of Japan! It's an interesting take on horror in a post-apocalyptic, sci-fi setting.

We'll also be showing episodes 6 & 7 of Guin Saga. I'm sure everyone is hoping for Guin to go berserk on someone. The story is developing pretty well so I'm looking forward to seeing what comes next.

We will also be starting up a new series. I have no idea what; however, finishing Outlaw Star does leave a gap in our viewing schedule. If it is figured out before the next meeting, this blog will be the first place to check! be sure to follow our Twitter as well @PropellerAnime!