September 03, 2009

RACS - Labor Day Holiday Hours

The Anime Corner Store fulfillment center and HQ will be closed as of close of business today (5pm EST Thursday, Sept 3rd) through Monday Sept 7th for the Labor Day holiday.

We'll be processing orders up through about 3-4 pm this afternoon for shipment today, and we'll be back on Tuesday the 8th to start processing the backlog. It will be fabulous to have 4 days off in a row (it will be the first mini vacation we've had this year), and I'm sure we'll regret it when we return on Tuesday (-_^) to a four foot tall stack of pending orders, so please be a little more patient than usual with us next week while we catch up. The newsletter will go out at it's regular time tomorrow afternoon, but we'll be off.

Have a great holiday weekend everyone, and enjoy your Anime! :-)