April 21, 2010

Yen Plus Magazine Ending With July 2010 Issue

Not yet two years young, Yen Plus Magazine will join the ranks of so many other Anime and Manga print anthologies that have gone the way of the Dodo bird - the July 2010 issue will be the last print edition and Yen Press is moving the magazine online. Yen Press will be making content changes [to the new online edition] will announced at a later date.

Yen Plus has said they will issue subscribers refunds for any outstanding issues on their subscriptions beyond the July 2010 issue.

We had really liked the magazine, and had been stocking back issues for fans all the way back to the first issue in August 2008. We will no longer be restocking back issues, and all issues will now be limited to whatever stock we have left on hand and will be removed from the store site once they sell out.