March 21, 2011

My Future Cosplays Part 2

Here's the problem with being a cosplayer at heart: the list is constantly growing. Seriously, in order to stop the list from growing, I would have to stop looking at new things. And that just isn't going to happen anytime soon. I'm supposed to watch 150 anime series this year. So far I've completed twelve and am in the midst of two more. I've tacked new cosplays onto my list from five of those. Clearly this is dangerous.

But oh well.

Here's the fourteen that have jumped onto my list since my post last month.

...Wait, did I just say fourteen in the last month? Crap, I'm in trouble.

(Guys, in reading this post, please remember that my husband is female.)

Ai Enma (Jigoku Shoujo) I've noted in the past (yesterday) that I love Jigoku Shoujo, and Ai Enma herself. This is a cosplay I've been debating for quite awhile now, since finishing out the series last year, really. Finally I thought about it, and I really do want to do this cosplay someday. I chose to stick with the school uniform version rather than one of the complicated kimono ones, partially for the sake of cost and partially because...well, red and black school uniform. Pretty awesome right there.

Love This Cosplay: It's pretty simple. And I can carry around a straw doll, offering it to people. Fun stuff.

Hate This Cosplay: School uniforms tend to be a little on the expensive side. Cheaper than kimono, but still.

Black Swan (own design) Okay, when I went to see Black Swan I fell utterly in love. It was so...twisted. Oh, and the lesbianism aspects were pretty cool as well—not something I get to see very often, at least not presented the way they were. If you haven't seen Black Swan yet, I highly recommend it. Natalie Portman earned that Oscar. But anyway—I'm not actually planning to wear the black swan ballet outfit, this is something I'm designing myself. It does involve feathers though. No details yet, since I'm not done with the design.

Love This Cosplay: Black Swan. Enough said.

Hate This Cosplay: May be a bit skimpy. And that makes me slightly uncomfortable, but we'll see.

Hideki Hinata (Angel Beats!) In theory I'll have a review of Angel Beats! up tomorrow, and you can all see what I thought of the series itself, but for now...Well, this was the first time I'd ever been a yaoi fangirl for something so typically Key. (Note: Yes, Haruhi is from Key and I thoroughly support Kyon/Itsuki, but Haruhi is not typical happy-followed-by-soul-ripping-Key.) And not only was I a yaoi fangirl, I was supporting a threesome—Yuzuru/Hideki/Naoi. So I'm going to do Hideki and my husband shall do Naoi. We lack a Yuzuru. But I do have a friend who will do T.K..

Love This Cosplay: It looks so easy to pull off. Oh, and an excuse to own a blue wig? Hell yes.

Hate This Cosplay: What's there to hate?

Itsuki Koizumi (The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya) I mentioned being a Kyon/Itsuki fangirl, didn't I? Right, well I'll be cosplaying Itsuki as part of a Haruhi group at OMGcon 2012, and yes, my husband is doing Kyon. I'm glad that when I asked which she'd rather be she said Kyon, because Itsuki is my favorite character in that series.

Love This Cosplay: Well I already own half of it. That is always nice.

Hate This Cosplay: Couldn't the Haruhi uniforms just be the same color as the Ouran ones so I could use my Tamaki blazer?

Miku Hatsune (Vocaloid) I am not a Vocaloid fan. Their voices weird me out and I am entirely incapable of enjoying the songs. But well, I've been learning Love & Joy (still a few bits I can't seem to get down) and in this process I have come to develop a love of Miku's outfit, at the very least. So while it's dependent on weight loss, I do intend to do this Vocaloid cosplay someday.

Love This Cosplay: Do I want to own that wig? God yes.

Hate This Cosplay: It's so short...

N (Pokémon Black/White) N is awesome. I haven't actually finished playing Black yet (I'm at the Elite 4) but man...this guy. If not for the whole Team Plasma thing, he'd be a pretty cool guy. As of the ferris wheel scene it's like...dude, you're epic, why the hell are you on their side you twit? But I still want to cosplay him, despite the Plasma nonsense.

Love This Cosplay: ...My addiction to awesome wigs tells me that N's hair makes my life better.

Hate This Cosplay: I'll be walking around as a member of Team Plasma. What the hell.

Naoto Shirogane (Persona 4) Because I am in love with the Persona games and feel like they're the best ones to ever be brought into existence, I've been determined to choose a cosplay from 3 or 4 (the two I've played) for quite some time now. Finally I decided on Naoto, because I adore him...her...I'm still in denial.

Love This Cosplay: It's just a school uniform, pretty easy. And the hat is very nice as well.

Hate This Cosplay: ...Not applicable.

Renamon gijinka (Digimon Tamers) Someone on created a thread about doing Digimon gijinkas, since there seems to be a lack of them. I took this as my sign to...well, design one. And Renamon is one of my favorite Digimon, has been since I first saw Tamers, so it was her I decided on. I've already designed the cosplay, but can't draw for the life of me, so I have no picture to offer.

Love This Cosplay: If I felt like explaining the aspects you would see that it will be pretty cheap to pull together.

Hate This Cosplay: I'm not sure how I feel about it, since I created it myself.

Koichi Shidou (Highschool of the Dead) So I started watching Highschool of the Dead yesterday while waiting on a download. Now here was me while starting up the series--

Episode 1 Arianna: Oh, I'm not going to have any new cosplays from this series. They're all just school uniforms, and lame school uniforms for that matter, so I'm safe.

Episode 2 Arianna: La dee da, oh look someone died...

Episode 3: This is mildly entertaining and—ohmigod I think I may have to cosplay that man. ...Yup, yup, I have to cosplay him, for sure.

So he's a giant asshole. So is Izaya, so it's not like I don't obviously like assholes in anime. And I'm going to cosplay this one.

Love This Cosplay: Are those pinstripes I see? I think they are. Do want.

Hate This Cosplay: ...Why am I cosplaying from Highschool of the Dead? I'm pretty sure there is not a worthy, acceptable answer to this question.

Katsuki Shima (Clannad ~After Story~) It is not a secret that I view the anime Clannad as my friend. Like, one of my best friends. So it should be obvious that I'd want to cosplay from it, but I wouldn't really want to do any of the girls other than maybe Kotomi. Well, there is this kid...he was only around for maybe two episodes, but I got pretty attached to him in that time for being such a sweetheart. I have now decided to cosplay him.

Love This Cosplay: It looks like it should be pretty easy to pull together.

Hate This Cosplay: It also looks like it will be entirely too warm in a convention environment.

Shirogane (Monochrome Factor) This is a series I got midway through yesterday, and it's so Which is really not a problem for me, as I think we know by now. I'll be doing Shirogane, and the husband will be with me as Akira in his Shin form. I think Shirogane is a pretty cool guy, considering he is capable of being both powerful and flamingly queer.

Love This Cosplay: Look at that braid. God yes.

Hate This Cosplay: His lips kind of bother me. I am not making my lips look like that. Period.

High School Shizuo (Durarara!!) Well, my husband already has a High School Izaya cosplay. I figure I may as well match her by pulling together a High School Shizuo. It's only logical.

Love This Cosplay: It looks so easy to get. I am a fan of easy.

Hate This Cosplay: I do not.

Touko (Pokémon Black/White) All right, when I first got Pokémon Black I felt like I needed to cosplay Cheren, because he's really awesome-looking. Then I talked to my husband and found out she wanted to do Cheren. Well, I support him as a pair with the girl character, whose real name is Touko. Thus, while it requires losing weight, I am going to pull off this cosplay at some point.

Love This Cosplay: That wig will make me a happy person.

Hate This Cosplay: Those shorts...they will make me less happy.

Tsugaru (Durarara!!) Tsugaru is the other version of Shizuo that's floating around out there. He's pretty cool. I hadn't really planned to cosplay him at all, because that is one heck of a kimono and I wasn't sure how I would be able to get the darn thing. Then one of my friends informed me that she's planning to make the kimono for me, so that sorta changed the plan.

Love This Cosplay: It's another Shizuo. Why wouldn't I love it?

Hate This Cosplay: I don't want to accidentally hurt the poor thing...

So, yeah, this will be a lot of fun. I need to stop adding to this list, but that just isn't going to happen.