August 31, 2011

Japenese Anime - The Explosion

While the Japanese anime apparently came on the scene from nowhere, it's actually been around formany years.

of Japanese anime has a very ancient history, infact. Anime I started, if the manga, which began to surface in Japan in the 19th stoljeću.Prvi manga, and the ideology behind the manga today, first conceived by the Japanese artist Hokusai imenu.Hokusai manga is a collection of drawings, and as time went on, more and more artists Hokusai's ideas and amplified. Soon, a new style of drawing appeared -. Style shifted from "sketchings" and moved in thick lines and bright colors

story, however, remained a fantasy, as always, -. Manga at the moment are often involved space ships, mythical creatures, superheroes, gods, dragons, fantasy and other such things

in the early 1990's manga began its expansion into Western culture. Its distribution gradually at first, with very little, if any manga-style comic book will be available in Western countries. But shortly thereafter, the world anime and Japanimation was set to see a big explosion.

At the end of the manga so far adopted 'big name' companies such as Bandai, and "farout ideas that you get with traditional mango was introduced to the main western society. The fact is that in 1993, the manga and anime industries is only a few thousand dollars, and that 10 years later, the industry went from the bad character, it is worth more than $ 100 million.

The reason for this huge increase in revenue was due to anime and manga are formally adopted by western society. Popular TV shows like Power Rangers (I'm sure you've all heard of them at some point) were massively successful. Power Rangers is a perfect example of how ideology anime has spread throughout western society -. Show aired throughout Europe, Canada, America and Japan

approved, shows like Power Rangers are not anime in the traditional sense, but it's pretty obvious connection between the things presented in these TV programs and those who are still in traditional anime.

Since then, we've seen a lot more traditonal (actually animated) Anime worm their way into the western world. Essentially non-anime animated paved the way for the traditional type to come and do a bit of luck. Have you ever heard of Dragon Ball? How about a Gundam or Hamtaro? If not, where have you been these past few years :)

animated shows like the ones above are practically household names in the West today, which just goes to show the sheer explosion of anime industry products. In the 20's anime industry in the West has grown from just be worth thousands, it is worth more multi-millions.