September 02, 2011

Cosplay Is Popular Among Humans

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Cosplay originated in Japan. It is an abbreviation of two English words "costume play". In cosplay participants wear costumes and other accessories for the characterization of a particular character or idea, it's the kind of performance art. The characters are mostly popular fiction character or any of the virtual, or from time to time in the real world are represented in an impressive interpretation.

On many occasions people like to wear costumes, as well as Halloween, Christmas, etc. People enjoy dressing as their favorite anime character. In this way, cosplay came into existence in Japan. People start dressing as their favorite character from anime, manga, comics and video game character. Then he begins to gain a reputation in other parts of the world. Now many theme parks and malls, cosplay and comic fairs, parties have come into existence.

Cosplay is not just known in the teens, all age group people are a fan of costume play. There are three basic things to consider in cosplay. First of all, the costume, it's normal perception that anime characters and other virtual characters wearing unusual clothes, that dress looks like another world. Cosplayers dress that manages to duplicate their idol. Some Cosplayers are really an expert your field, for example, they dress like a real human robots who can transform into a car. There must be a lot of effort, time and brains behind such predstave.Sljedeća thing to consider is the look of the character of an idol. There are many anime characters that do not look human, not human skin and other features are also different. In this case Cosplayers should copy the look. Makeup techniques commonly used to look like the original as possible. In this aspect of the Asians are better cosplayer, because they are easy to copy various anime characters in their appearance.