September 12, 2011

Rising Popularity of Anime

Anime word comes from the animation, as it is abbreviated to japanskom.Engleski dictionary explains it as a style introduced in Japan. Although, Anime as a whole represents every type of animation. Therefore, Japanese anime is used to distinguish it from the animation in the rest of the world. Until recently, the anime was called "Manga" in Western and European countries. But in Japan, Manga is the comic book only!

Anime general inspired by the novels, manga, and local customs and traditions. Film can be telecasted on TV, and also distributed and published through other media types such as video, Internet and DVD. Anime earlier also referred to only Japanese animation, but now no longer considered so.

Anime is viewed and loved by children to adult women. It shows the various stories and characters based on the theme in science fiction, sports, romance and horror, which makes the most of things and away the reality. However, there are a few animes that show a bit of realism like suffering, emotions and death, which raises the value of content, but it seems inappropriate for children to watch.

Anime is getting popular both in terms of audience for Pokemon raspona.Ludost among children is more than just a series. They want to have video games, collectables, DVD's, t shirts and costumes of their favorite character from the series. Another trend that has seen watching anime films originally made ​​in Japan after being synchronized in the English language.

these days, such as watching a CD and DVD has gained momentum, and most of them have subtitles and dubbed tracks already. Because of the growing acceptance of the charm of these animations, many schools, clubs, libraries and colleges have begun to conduct collections animes in their databases. Fans and appreciation for the animes are flooding in daily.

Walt Disney's "Spirited Away", a Japanese film, which grossed even more than "Titanic" in Japan revolutionized animation industry in the western world. Hayao Miyazaki, a very famous name in anime, the film's director and was praised by fans all over the world, laying stress on every minute detail in filmu.Fox TV Network and Walt Disney, the two mainstream anime shows and movies store in the West registered over $ 2 billion revenues in the industry. Several years ago, there was a lot of anime TV shows and series, but now, almost every kid knows about Japanese cartoons and animation films, and the number is increasing with every minute.

Bandai Entertainment, the Japanese anime toys, claimed to have produced 75 anime shows and movies in the previous year in the U.S., which explains the increase in demand animes.

Today, the animes are a fast growing sector of the DVD too. Anime films have the advantage of low production cost and all they need is a pencil and paper to work on your computer. The Internet is also responsible for bringing anime to the place it is today!