September 25, 2011

What Is Otaku?

Otaku - it's either a proud banner you wave around for everyone to see, or guilty secret that you keep to yourself. Otaku refers to a person with a passionate interest in ništa.Ispravnog obsessive use of the term will be a place of words that relate to what the person is possessed of before the word Otaku (eg anime or manga Otaku Otaku). Most people think that this term refers exclusively to anime and manga addicts. But in reality, Otaku can refer to anything from anime to the military.

There are some common types of otaku in Japan and abroad, and these are anime otaku, manga otaku, pasokon Otaku, game otaku, and Gunja wota Otaku.

Anime Otaku

Anime Otaku are the people who practically live, breathe, eat and anime. They watch anime whenever I can, and think about anime whenever they can. They are die-hard fans of anime serije.Uobičajen example would be those people who carry the hit-ate or a Konoha forehead protector to the pubic for no reason. They are the ones who adore Naruto so much that they added "dattebayo" at the end of each sentence. They are the ones wearing schoolgirl uniforms even when it is not a school day. They are the ones who know everything about your favorite shows and I can recall even the smallest details at any time.

Manga Otaku

Often, the anime otaku manga otaku, as well as the anime shows are usually derived from manga. So those who watch anime usually read manga too. Manga refers to Japanese comics. Manga Otaku are those that may be waiting to open a bookstore in the early morning hours, so that they can get first money on the latest editions of their favorite manga.Izraz can be extended to an obsession in doujinshis.Doujin (short for doujinshi) is a fan made ​​comics, unofficial spin-off of the official manga, more often than not the life of the character. They are released by a bunch of doujin circles, talented artists who dedicate their time making this doujinshi.

Pasokon Otaku

Pasokon Otaku are the people who are obsessed with their personal computers. They are like tech-geeks, always itching to get their hands on the latest gadgets and gizmos for their computers. They also know about computers will probably be accepted in Microsoft no bat an eyelash. They usually have their own weblogs and web sites, and maybe even know how to make your own games. It is also very rare to pasokon with 20/20 vision.

Gemu Otaku

Gemu Otakus are those who are obsessed with video games of any genre. RPG games, MMORPG (massively multiplayer online games), action games, shoot 'em up games, platform games, puzzle games, Dance Revolution, Guitar Hero, strategy games, racing games, sports games, game ... you name it, they are playing.


Wota those who are addicted to their "idols". Those addicted to pop icons, pop-princess pretty, boy bands, etc.

Gunji Otaku

Gunji Otaku are the ones who are obsessed with anything related to the military, such as weapons, strategies, tanks, planes and helicopters.

There are tons of other types of Otakus, but the main idea here is the obsession with a particular hobby or things. This is pretty much the explanation within Otaku In a nutshell, we hope you learned something new about it.