Yes, the true final episode of the world's greatest wannabe seldom on topic Anime Podcast.
Shootin' The Breeze
Notice the nicer audio? (I bloody hope so!)
Consider this episode a quality test for our future "project".
Behold, the new "project". ANIPAC, our new Asian entertainment/geekery/(retro) gaming related podcast and blog. It's still in early stages though I've posted two blog entries to get it kick started. Expect it to be regularily updated, soon.
To all who wish to link to us, please do so. Visit ANIPAC, here.
Anyone wishing to contribute to the new site, please e-mail us at our new e-mail;
Additionally, we will upload the first few podcast episodes here at the Anime Pacific website; On the Anime Pacific feed. Hopefully this should work as a transition and will encourage you to get off your admittedly fat arse (come on, just stand up and look at it!) and grab the new ANIPAC feed in your podcatcher.
Expect the following from ANIPAC:
* Guilt-free rambling
* Asian related entertainment (including Anime, fear not)
* Retro-Gaming
* And hopefully exclusive coverage and interviews
* Something new for us, and a true sign that we have grown and matured: gay jokes.
Essentially we hope to broaden our demographic...
We look back at the early days of Anime Pacific and provide some little bits of trivia to the show, including the gruelling recording session of our first promo.
Alex demands you check out Chikipedia, for academic reasons, of course!
Promo's played:
RPG Lamer
Shoutout to: Fightbait Anime Podcast (check it out folks, it's good!)
New Anime Season Impressions:
As usual, we refer to StarCrossed Anime Blog's season preview.
Alex Reviews Monster:
A first, for Anime Podcasts (or anyone), Monster gets a bad review.
It's a wrap!
Stayed tuned for more at ANIPAC; updates will also be posted here for a while to ease the transition into the new site.