October 17, 2008

Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann - Gurren Gakuenhen

Any fans of TTGL here? If so, this manga might interest you...

TTGL: Gurren Gakuenhen is a manga that features TTGL characters in a school setting.

It just started recently, so there is currently only one chapter. As far as the story goes, it's just average. There's nothing great to say about this manga, besides, "You get to see Yoko in sailor fuku, and Simon GATTAI with Nia" XD

You can read this manga here. You can continue reading for my review (Spoilers!)

The manga starts off with Simon praying to his mother for an extremely normal life.

But as he's praying, Kamina breaks in through the window, and tries to get Simon to be "moe" (note: moe can mean "burn up", or the otaku's expression of cute)

Then, as suddenly as he came, Kamina grabs Simon, and jumps out of his apartment.. breaking another window in the process.

They arrive at Dai Gurren Gakuen, where they meet Yoko, childhood friend of Simon.

Yoko and Kamina began to argue over Simon, when Kittan shows up, and challenges Kamina.

Kamina agrees to this challenge, and drags Simon into the fight.

But before anyone can deal any hurt, they are stopped by Rossiu.

Rossiu points out that anyone unjustifiably late for class will be punished to washing ALL the toilets in Dai Gurren Gakuen. Kamina, Yoko, Kittan and his gang quickly flee the scene, leaving Simon behind, and thus, sentencing him to wash all the toilets.

On his way home, Simon runs into is run into by Nia.

Nia and Simon chat for a bit, until they are interrupted by Viral.

A wild Viral appears!

Viral gives Simon two options, give Nia back, or fight him. Nia volunteers Simon to fight. LOL

Simon doesn't believe he can win, but Nia says through gattai (unite) with her, he can win.

In spite of Simon's objections, they do gattai, and beat Viral.

The next day, Nia transfers into Dai Gurren Gakuen, from Teppelin Gakuen, and says she has a husband-wife-like "Gurren lagann gattai" relationship with Simon. (WTH is that?! lol)

And that ends chapter 1.

It's nice to see them all in school uniforms, but, like I said, nothing too great about this manga. Regardless, I will wait for the next issue.

According to the scanlation team, the artist, Kikkawa Kabao, is known for his ecchi... You know what that means, LOL.