March 23, 2011

Yu-Gi-Oh! Abridged: Episodes 1 - 4

Here we go! The first YGOTAS post is alive. ...I'll leave it up to your imagination whether or not the post is breathing.

Episode 1: Pilot

So why does Joey have a Brooklyn accent? This is totally Japan, isn't it? And gotta love Kaiba's reaction to the mention of a rare card—it must be that one rare card even though there's a ton of rare cards out there. Definitely. ...Now, Kaiba wasn't actually present when Grandpa said the name of the card. So he's psychic. Or his assumption that the card is the Blue Eyes White Dragon is just...well, he's really, really confident.

It's a very good point that no one pressed charges when Grandpa was kidnapped. What the heck? Plus the whole thing where he's been seriously injured by playing a card game. What is this nonsense?

I love what Kaiba says. In the original anime, no one ever comments on the fact that Yugi's voice just magically becomes about twelve times deeper when he switches to the Pharaoh. Or that he becomes two inches taller. Is that normal in this world?

Best Line: My grandpa's deck has no pathetic cards, Kaiba—except maybe for Kuriboh. (Spoken by the Pharaoh.)

Episode 2: Rocky VII

Grandpa's relationship with the poster of Black Luster Soldier would disturb me more if I wasn't aware of people marrying body pillows. And oh hey, look Rex and Weevil. Whatever. They're lame. I do love how they became Beevus and Butthead.

Oh hey, the first Shadow Game of the series. With pedophile jokes! (Note: pedophile jokes are only funny in anime.)

On the whole, episode two was sorta fail...

Best Line: You bastard! You turned him into a mime! (Spoken by Yugi.)

Episode 3: My Cards Will Go On

The episode is boring and then there's a flashback—of when Yugi and Joey became friends. TORMENT! Joey's kind of an asshole, actually.

I'm pretty sure this guy's hair might actually qualify as its own character. Just saying. And Yugi's hair is crazy enough for two people, but then...look at Yuusei. And the new guy for the upcoming Zexal.

Introducing...Mai! And her giant chest. Mostly her giant chest, I think.

Then....the crowning glory of this episode. Weevil throws Yugi's Exodia cards overboard, Joey leaps in after them, and CUE CELINE DION. Then Yugi jumps in after Joey, and it's just so gay. It amuses me, especially knowing it actually happened in the series. Well, minus the Celine Dion.

Best Line: Hey look, I was right about the sun! (Spoken by Tristan.)

Episode 4: Lord of the Cards

Lord of the Flies would have been so much better with a lot less subtext and a lot more card games. ...Yes I was forced to read that novel. And yes I hated it. Loving the evil ring and the hobbits comment. Also loving the Kill Bill music, haha. I don't care for Kill Bill, but that use of the music makes me lol.

I wish I had limey senses. To detect British people...that would make life better.

Gambling is good for you. Yu-Gi-Oh!: Teaching kids great morals every day.

Hooray for generic insects! ...And the phallic imagery. I didn't notice it until this damn Abridged episode and now I can't stop noticing. It was also around this episode that I started wondering exactly how many times the words friend/friendship are used throughout the course of Yu-Gi-Oh!.

Best Line: Yay, we were totally ineffectual! (Spoken by Joey & Tristan.)

This episode had the first ending thing that truly made me laugh. Gotta love the Odion meets Samuel L Jackson content.

And that is all for now. The next post in this series will likely be up next week. In the meantime, I have other things to write, not the least of which is an overdue Angel Beats! review.