March 22, 2011

Yu-Gi-Oh! Abridged Intro Post

I will admit something: I was a Yu-Gi-Oh! geek. Like hardcore. That series was my obsession back in sixth grade (I discovered the series in fourth grade). More specifically, I was obsessed with the Pharaoh. Because I was a strange, strange sixth grader.

So if I got in trouble, I got grounded from YGO. ...Yes, that's right. Not from TV in general. From YGO. What can I say, my mother was creative and all-too smart. Now of course at this point in time it was the Waking the Dragons season, which was pretty intense, and therefore it was a shitty time to not be able to watch the new episodes.

Well anyway. I haven't been obsessed with YGO for a long time now—I do still have my cards (my deck is based strongly on the cards used by the Pharaoh, though it hasn't seen use in about two years) and I do have my picture collection, and sometimes I'll go back and read fanfiction for the series...oh, by the way, it was YGO fanfiction that got me into yaoi. That's what happens when your favorite series has a grand total of like, four girls. And one of them is about eight.

However, I did discover (quite some time ago) the wonder of...

For anyone who doesn't know, YGOTAS is a parody series created by LittleKuriboh. He takes the episodes and keeps the same basic idea of what was going on, but kinda...points out the flaws and oddities that weren't actually pointed out in the series itself. And he makes a million awesome cultural references that are placed unbelievably well.

I don't think I've ever seen anything else that has made me laugh so hard.

So during a recent re-watch of the Abridged, I decided I ought to do a series of posts on it. As mentioned in my general intro to series posts post (that was fun to type) I'm basically going to run through with summaries and commentary for each episode and the movies. I think it'll be fun.

Starting now. (And by now, I really mean when I put the first post of the series up tomorrow.)